Sunday, 3 February 2013

If only life were as simple as Pintarest...

It is the first Sunday in February. I have a large Billy goat head butting the glass door into the garden. A large  grumpy teenager storming about upstairs, judging by the sound he is making he is dismantling his room, because apparently, in his opinion ,I do not care about him and all I am only interested in is getting him to get things done about the house , and a  younger version of the same who is up the other end of the house humphy because he wants to build a forge in the front garden and I have said no and I have only half painted the kitchen cupboards.

On the other hand...

I have a large Billy goat who loves me so much he follows me around like a dog and is even as I type declaring his love by  banging on the door to try and entice me out to play or, failing that,  in the hope I will let him in to follow me about the house and gaze adoringly at me. A tall handsome teenage son who is kind, loving and helps me  as much as he can despite  being in the throws of teenage angst and is learning to express his independance , and a charming smaller version of the same who is ingenious and inventive and up for trying anything oh and a kitchen which is half painted and which I can devote tomorrow to finishing.

Sometimes it pays to look more closely before you decide life sucks. Life  may not be the perfect place that we avid Pintarest picture posters pick but to...... ( to quote a Pintarest post)  it is wise to remember this...

Appreciate what you have and have a happy Sunday..x